The future of our planet lies with the youth of today

The vision of the Youth Leadership Team is to increase the capacity for compassion, systems awareness, and self-mastery by training students worldwide and to develop compassionate leaders of the future.
For a decade, this team has been designing highly efficient and meaningful learning experiences in which the pursuit of knowledge, social and emotional literacy, self-agency, collaborative skills, and personal growth may be discovered and embodied using the Compassionate Systems Framework.
The Youth Leadership Team navigates within the values and approaches of the Center
However, through many years of working with young people, they have discovered meaningful ways of delivering deep insights in a way that is tangible, engaging and relevant for youth.
To shift a larger system, we must also grow the capacity of those in it.
“Attempting to foster systems change without growing capacity to “see” systems leads to much talk and minimal result”
Inner Development and Well-being
Staying grounded when facing challenges, distractions and uncertainty requires a sense of emotional literacy. Cultivating one’s well-being and seeking to develop a practice that supports the individual's sense of purpose/direction through contemplative practices, deep listening, storytelling and self-compassion.
Other – Relational Capacities
Engaging and listening authentically to others can help cultivate a strong sense of compassion. Communicating and collaborating with kindness is vital for nurturing a generative social field in peer-to-peer and project-based learning. Seeking to create a safe space for young people to learn, have fun and appreciate the company of others.
Outer – Understanding Living Systems
Recognizing the interconnected nature of life and looking for patterns below the flow of events are ways to develop systems awareness. Seeking to understand universal archetypes of systems dynamics appearing in the systems we live and breathe in. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are used as a tool in which to engage in complex social challenges.