Rask Wanscher
Youth Leadership and Well Being Champion
Rask Wanscher is working in the Youth Leadership Team at the Center for Systems Awareness as Youth Leadership Cultivator. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Education Science from Århus University in Copenhagen where he lives. Through his previous experience as an external teacher at schools and as a parkour coach, he’s had the opportunity to understand the reality of the educational system and how to create meaningful learning experiences. His passion has always been to create an educational system where the next generations get the skills they need to thrive and change the world with compassion and leadership, believing that education is a key leverage point in creating profound systemic change in the world.
Rask has been involved in the work of the Youth Leadership Team for many years but joined the team in the summer of 2020 where he also joined the second cohort of the Master Practitioner program which he completed in 2021. Since then, he’s been working with educators and students at various sites to support the integration of Compassionate Systems in the classroom and helping the students build their capacities. As we engage more and more students from around the world, we are building and expanding the global community of students to connect and work together on various projects. Rask is also a part of the Site Development Team.
Furthermore, as an ambassador of the EnRoads climate simulator, he co-facilitates the Center’s Compassionate Climate learning journeys, where students and educators explore the systems dynamics in the climate crisis and develop the inner capacities to deal with this crisis.
Besides his professional, his passion is rock climbing and he loves to go on climbing trips and reconnect with nature and explore the world.