
Re-Engaging School Communities session, JUNE 23

Learning with our Global Colleagues: Re-Engaging School Communities, JUNE 23

Hosted by CCEE (California Collaborative for Educational Excellence)

This session was inspired by a small group discussion in our Core Systems Leadership call among Roni of CCEE, Mignon Weckert of Lutheran Schools in Australia, and our master practitioner, David DeRosa from British Columbia. This session for California educators (but open to others) will be a conversation with them about how they have supported their school communities during this time of crisis and trauma and what strategies they have used as they have reopened schools.


Please find the details in the flyer.

Following the cancellation of in-person classes in March to contain the spread of COVID-19 and the trauma experienced by communities as a result of violence against people of color, California educators are seeking ways to cultivate compassion and appreciate systems that influence people’s feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Mignon Weckert from Australia and David Derosa from British Columbia will share their experiences and strategies to support the reopening of their school communities. Join this session to learn with our global colleagues and understand how they have worked to strengthen emotional connections through empathy and compassion as you plan to re-enter school and re-engage your school community this summer and fall.

3:30pm – 5:00pm PST (California)
8:00am-9:30am ACST (Adelaide)

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