International School of Indianapolis worked through a UN program that taught them scenarios a refugee might face.
Soaked, blindfolded and fenced in: Refugee simulation builds empathy for Indy students
Published by Indystar, 6:01 a.m. ET May 13, 2019 |
The 33 fourth graders from the International School of Indiana, one of the sites of the Center for Systems Awareness, exercised the simulation game from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN agency that assists refugees around the world.
“It’s really fashionable right now for people to talk about empathy and compassion, but there’s a fine line between empathy and pity,” said Trina Haygaru, principal of the school’s “lower” campus for pre-K through fifth grade. “If we don’t actually have some of those emotions and feelings ourselves, it can very easily get moved into pity.”
Read the full article here.
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