International School of Indiana – Indianapolis, USA
Center for Systems Awareness SITE
The International School of Indiana started working with the Compassionate Systems Framework with 175 children and 15 classrooms in grades 1-5.
Over the course of two years (February 2017- February 2019) we introduced the following system tools in the curriculum of six Primary Years Program (PYP) transdisciplinary themes:
- Behavior Over Time Graphs
- Ladder of Inference
- Iceberg Model
- Connection Circles
- Stock and Flow Diagrams
- Causal Loop Diagrams
- Ladder of Connectedness
We also introduced personal anchor content and context through simulations, and mindful caring and reflection through check-ins.
All curriculum content also connected with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The subject matter included food insecurity and the goal of zero hunger (UN SDG #2) and sustainably managed forests and “Life on Land” (UN SDG #15 ) for grade 1; habitats and ecosystems addressing Life Below Water and Life on Land (UN SDGs #14 and #15 for grade 2; clean water, sanitation and innovation(UN SDG #6), no poverty (UN SDGs #1 and #10), and activism in art for grade 3; and finally migration, immigration and refugees, and affordable and clean energy (UN SDG #7) for grade 4.
We found using the Compassionate Systems Framework our students exhibited the most robust inquiry, reflection, action, and agency we have ever experienced at our school.
You can read more about our school and our work here