Leaf O

Leafy Ladders

Exploring perspectives and connections between the characters of "Leaf" by Sandra Dieckmann.

Charlotte Ruddy and Jacob Martin

Access: Master Practitioners

This resource is shared by teachers of Key Stage One (age 5-7) at Dulwich College Singapore.

Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann is a wonderful book for your KS1 animal habitats or polar regions topic.

The unexpected arrival of a polar bear in the forest has all the woodland animals agitated and afraid. His strange habit of collecting leaves only reinforces their distrust until one day they watch him attempt to fly home over the water on wings of colorful leaves.....

Using the Ladder of Inference is a great way to explore the perspectives of the different animals and their assumptions and beliefs as the story unfolds. These slides provide a starting point for any teacher to adapt and expand for their own class. Adding connection circles gives another layer of understanding looking at the influence of the main characters on one another.

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Dulwich College | Singapore

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Dulwich College Singapore