Trina Haygaru
Curriculum Development | Lower School Principal
Trina Haygaru is the Lower School Principal at the International School of Indiana in Indianapolis, Indiana. With an MS in school leadership from Baker University, she has been a school administrator for nine years and an educator for more than twenty.
Trina has been working in international education most of her career and has lived and worked in Thailand, Egypt, Mozambique, Los Angeles, and Nigeria.
She started working with compassionate systems in late 2016. Since then, Trina and her staff have written and implemented six interdisciplinary units using the Compassionate Systems Framework in the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (PYP). The International School of Indiana was one of eight schools around the world that helped develop the prototype with guidance and expertise from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the International Baccalaureate Organization. Since beginning this work in 2017, Trina and her faculty have developed units on “Access to Water.” “Poverty,” “Human Movement,” “Hunger,” “Art as an Agent of Change,” “Access to Electricity” and “Ecosystems.”
Trina’s goal is to continue to grow the work at the International School of Indiana and to help other schools near and far understand, embrace and use the Compassionate Systems Framework in their own organizations.