Lisa Lemus

Administrator, Leadership Support Services
Tulare County Office of Education
California Hub | USA

Leadership Support Services Administrator of Differentiated Assistance and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) co-lead at Tulare County Office of Education, I partner with district and site teams to study their current systems, unearth inequities, run improvement cycles, and build Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn alongside amazing teams in my role as improvement coach!

Over the years, I’ve served students as a general education teacher, special education teacher, English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) curriculum specialist and coach, and overall advocate for each and every student in my care. 

This year brings an intense focus for me to deepen my contemplative practices to benefit myself and my family (husband, 4-year old, and fur babies), as well as the teams I support in improvement work throughout the year. I have spent many professional years trying to understand systems analysis from a technical lens and am wildly curious about the relational side of our work.