Katrine Rose Dam Eskebjerg
Maglegårdsskolen School
Denmark Hub | EUROPE
Katrine Rose Dam Eskebjerg works a teacher at Maglegårdsskolen in Gentofte, Denmark. Primarily she teaches Danish in grades 6-9.
She had been involved in working with the Compassionate System Framework for some time, but more intensely in 2019-20. She has worked with the tools and mindsets in the classroom and also as a support to their newly founded Compassionate Systems Ambassador Group.
In her work, she is curious about getting to know her students and use that connection to motivate and challenge them in their learning. The work with the Compassionate Systems Framework mindset gives her opportunities to be curious about herself, her strategies for teaching, and how to create a safe learning space for the students where progress for every student is in reach.
Katrine finds it meaningful to share and work with other teachers in how to develop teaching methods that are relevant and motivating for their students. Being a part of development and implementation within her organization interests her, and she looks forward to being able to teach other teachers how to start their journey is this field.