Jill Jensen

Gulf Islands School District #64
Canada: British Columbia Hub | NORTH AMERICA

“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not a preparation for life but is life itself.” – John Dewey

Jill is a mother and grandmother, a sister, auntie, teacher and learner. She is an educator and leader who has been a student, a parent of students, a teacher, a principal, and a superintendent (fulfilling many of these roles simultaneously). She is currently superintendent of the School District No.64 (Gulf Islands) in British Columbia. Since beginning her post-secondary learning, Jill has been interested in re-imagining school to make it more educational and wholistic. How can we create experiences that nurture knowledge that is balanced, rooted in spirit, heart, body, and mind? How can we
create learning environments where the unique gifts and strengths each person brings are celebrated and developed? Children are, and have always been, at the heart of Jill’s educational work, and are her inspiration. Jill is passionate about social justice and equity, particularly as they relate to Truth and Reconciliation and Indigenous education in Canada. She is also an ardent advocate for the arts and place-based education/learning.

Compassionate systems awareness offers a way, as Hannah Arendt says, to “think what we are doing”. Through her work with compassionate systems, Jill has cultivated her leadership skills, and developed a deeper understanding of self and others. The tools and practices shared through compassionate systems help build capacity and contribute to the well-being of adults and children in schools and districts within British Columbia.