Jessica Maiorca-Nunez, Ed.D.
Improvement Facilitator
System Improvement Leads (SIL) Project
West San Gabriel Valley (WSGV) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
U.S.: California Hub | NORTH AMERICA
Jessica Maiorca-Nunez, Ed.D. is a life-long learner who was an early childhood special education teacher for 15 years and is a Senior Adjunct Professor for the University of La Verne. As a college instructor she is focused on providing lessons that are tailored to various learning levels of adult learners. With her existing foundation of knowledge and understanding of the significant aspects of how children learn and develop, she guides and facilitates adult learners in making clear connections among experiences and college course content.
As an Improvement Facilitator for the System Improvement Leads Project, Jessica collaborates and supports Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) and Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) throughout the state of California. She provides support focused on data use and governance, continuous improvement methodologies, and high-leverage practices in order to build capacity of educational systems. Through the lens of social justice she provides support that encourages educational systems’ partners to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
With her previous experience in special education, Jessica provided ongoing support to teachers, families, and school communities. She participated in the planning and training for teachers with a focus on Universal Design for Learning, curriculum, environment, inclusion, and equity. With her experience as an early childhood educator she further supported the LEA’s early childhood special education programs. In collaboration with the Child Development Department she wrote proposals to fund and develop increased opportunities for the inclusion of young children with disabilities. Jessica believes in facilitating and supporting staff members in providing comprehensive services to all learners.
As a Master Practitioner in Compassionate Systems, Jessica has gained valuable insights and techniques to foster communication and collaboration to support positive engagement among educational partners.