Erik Swanson

Senior Advisor of Teaching, Learning and Leading
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence  
U.S.: California Hub | NORTH AMERICA

Erik Swanson is currently serving as a Senior Advisor for the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE). Primarily supporting the Direct Technical Assistance Team, Swanson and the team are focused on supporting districts that are committed to working to improve pervasive systemic instructional challenges to support equitable access and outcomes for all students.

Prior to joining CCEE, Swanson served as the Assistant Superintendent of Education Services in the Stockton Unified School District. In this role, Swanson led the Ed. Services team through the challenges of the pandemic. Swanson worked to develop a vision to improve schools through equity leadership and coaching. Supporting change management and facilitating all aspects of the district’s academic program to ensure coherence and systemic alignment to cultivate learning environments throughout the system that were focused on excellence and rigor, steeped in pride, enriched by diversity and fortified by a culture of inclusion and equity.

With a deep moral purpose in his vocation as an educator, Swanson’s leadership is focused on Warm Demander Pedagogy. The ability to establish authentic caring relationships coupled with high expectations. Swanson believes this is the starting point for meeting each challenge in equity leadership.

Erik was born and raised in Sacramento and is a third-generation graduate of Sacramento High School. Erik is lucky to be married to a smart and beautiful lady. Frances is a teacher and always keeps Erik grounded on the most important job in education…the classroom teacher. Erik and Frances have two amazing daughters. Team Swanson loves to travel together, enjoy family dinners, watch movies and play games. Erik cites his daughters have been his best teachers. They have taught him how to authentically listen, how to lead with empathy and the power of infinite love.